Great Teamwork Story for Greater Team Unity

Want better team unity? Use this teamwork story to start

Team unity is critical to team success. If team members are not working together, obviously they will be much less successful.
When team members are working together there is strength. I love the following teamwork story that demonstrates the advantages of each team member getting along.
A father had a family of sons. Unfortunately they weren’t very nice to each other. There was constant quarreling and bickering.
No matter what this Father said to his sons, it didn’t do any good. As a result he thought long and hard about what he could say. He wanted to provide them some type of lesson that would help them realize the impact that their constant quarreling would ultimately have.
One day the quarreling became more aggressive and even violent. The father broke it up and sent each son to a different corner of the yard.
It was at that point that this wise Father came up with a lesson. He sent one of the sons to bring him a bundle of sticks.
He tied the bundle of sticks and asked each son to take turns in trying to break them. Each of them tried very hard, but couldn’t come close to snapping the bundle.
The father then untied the bundle and gave each son one stick and asked them to break it now. They did so easily.
He then said: “My sons, do you not see how if you help each other and work with each other, it will be impossible for your enemies to injure you? But if you continue to be divided amongst yourselves you won’t be any stronger than a single-stick in that bundle.”
Team unity is critical.
The more trust team members have of each other the better they will trust other team members intentions. Getting a team to a point in which they trust each other is difficult, but possible.
Without team trust you get unhealthy and personal conflict. With team trust, you get health and productive conflict that is focused on the issues.
What are you doing to build trust on your teams?
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Do You Believe in Team Diversity? Important Teamwork Story
by Michael Rogers
Do you believe that a more diverse team leads to a more effective team? The following teamwork story powerfully illustrates how any member of a team can be an important contributor regardless of how unique or different he or she may be.
The story is told of an old and weathered Chinese water bearer who had hung two large pots on each end of a long pole that he carried across his neck to deliver water each day.
One pot had a fairly large crack and only delivered a small portion of water with each daily trip – about half a pot. The other was perfect and always delivered a full portion.
For two years the bearer only delivered one and a half pots of water to his house each day.
The perfect pot felt it had reason to brag in its accomplishments in doing exactly what it was made to do. The poor cracked pot felt ashamed that it was only able to accomplish half of what it had been created to do.
After two years of feeling ashamed, the crack pot mustered up the courage to talk to the water bearer. He said, “I am ashamed of myself. Because of this crack in my side I cause water to leak out all the way back to your house.”
The water bearer said in response to the pot, “Did you notice the flowers all the way down the side of your path? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and one day I planted flower seeds all along the side of your path. Every day when we walk back you’ve watered them. And now for two years you have provided beautiful flowers that I have been able to pick and decorate my table with.”
He said, “Without you being just the way you are, I wouldn’t have this beauty along this path or to grace my house.”

Have you ever thought what life would be like if each of us were good at exactly the same thing? I am personally thankful that we are unique! Each of us has been given and blessed with a unique set of gifts and talents.
Great leaders understand this. They understand that a diverse team can be a more effective team.
Every team member plays an important role in helping the team decide, create and execute. If they all have the same or similar gifts and talents, then the teams strength and possible greatness is limited.
Are you embracing diversity on your teams? Are you hiring diverse talent, or hiring people exactly like you or others on your team? Do you allow others to disagree with your ideas and bring different perspectives? Do you create a culture of healthy and productive conflict on your team? Are you striving to develop and continually identify the uniqueness of each member on your team?
I encourage and challenge each of us to work towards greater team diversity. As Ken Blanchard once said “None of us is as smart as all of us.” However, all of us collectively or on a team are only as smart as the differences in each of us.


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